Monday 30 November 2009

I did not meet my deadline of finishing my catalogue last week because i had not sent my work home and i failed to collect it from college. I need to finish it on the next lesson we have on it and hopefully start my presentation and make a good start.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

My target is to complete my blog by the end of the week. I have one more magazine item to find and i am going over my other research items to make sure they will help me with my focus.
I have changed my research focus, I narrowed the search down a bit. Thetitle is now "

The use of cinematic devices to create atmosphere in location in the horror genre." I am aiming to finish my catalogue very soon as my new focus has been easier for me to gater information compared to the other one.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Im having problems with my research atm im struggling to find any reliable information or any for that matter on my chosen subject which is hanted paranormal activies in the horror genre. I have not yet met my internet research target and instead I am going to leave them for now and move onto the other areas.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Internet Research

My SSR is taking its time to get started but im getting there. I have found some good websites for my internet research such as a review on 1408 which coincidently mentions one of my other related films The Shining. This review talks about how haunted hotels and roadside inns on deserted roads are classic locations for this sub genre which is realy useful for my research. I plan to continue my internet research and soon move on to books and magazines. I also need to finalise exactly what my focus is on and choose my focus question.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

SSR - Beggining

In my first 2 hours of starting my small scale research project i have chosen my focus film which is 1408 (Director - Mikael Håfström, Released 31st of August 2007, Dimension Films). My main study is going to be on haunted buildings as a sub genre of horror. I have also chosen my 2 related films which are The Amityville Horror (Director - Andrew Douglas, 15th April 2005, Dimension Films) and The Shining (Director - Stanley Kubrick, 23rd May 1980, Warner Bros. Pictures). I have started watchng the films again to familiarize my self with them.